I am consistently amazed at how my God blesses me and amazes me! As Thanksgiving comes upon me, I am enjoying reflecting on the Savior's goodness...everything that I have is because of HIM!
First and foremost, I have a Father who loves me beyond explanation or understanding no matter what! Even when I am not the most loving or faithful daughter, He is right there. PRAISE JESUS! He has blessed me with SO many things that I do not deserve...a husband who loves me for exactly who I am, yet still encourages me to be better...a mom and dad that would walk over water for me and who continuously love and support me...a sister who has the most tender heart towards me, and towards the world (plus she married a pretty freaking awesome guy!)...a beautiful niece that reminds me how precious life is...aunts and uncles who have been in my life since day 1 and love me like their own kids...my husband's family who has taken me in as a daughter and a sister, not just the "in-law"...my wonderful, amazing friends - friends who have known me my whole life and STILL love me and friends that I have met over the years and treasure in my heart...the amazing adults in my life that have counseled and mentored me...the a church body that is indescribable - I never knew that church could be like this...a home that we've had the chance to dig in and remodel...a job...
The list could go on forever and ever...
I hope you all have a wonderful time with your families tomorrow - and remember...everything you have is because of CHRIST!