Isn't he perfect? :) I got to have ALL summer with him! He has grown and changed so much...He is 4 months old how and he is such a happy, relaxed, easygoing little man!

Every day I fall more in love with him! I can't help but kiss him all over....his cheeks just MIGHT fall off here soon. Motherhood is one of the hardest and yet most wonderful experiences. In the early weeks of his little life, I took refuge in a verse from Isaiah - "In quietness and trust is your strength." Whenever I got overwhelmed with it all, I just remembered to take a second to be quiet and trust that my Jesus would give me all that I needed for that moment. Being a mom has also given me such an amazing perspective on how much our Father must love us. I look at my little man and I would do ANYTHING for him. My heart swells with love for him. How much our Father must love us...and how incredibly difficult it must have been for Him to send His son to die for us.
It is so fun to watch Nolan learn and grow and try new things! Right now he is figuring out his laugh and trying to roll over...he kind of gets stuck on his side :) He is also finding his voice - he is quite the talker! At the beginning of September I started back to work. I'm teaching Kindergarten this year....and it's a crazy roller coaster!! Thankfully I only have to work a few days a week! And my mom and my sister are so wonderful and take care of my baby for me...but I must say that I dread leaving him on the days that I work and the best part of those days is picking him up! I am so grateful that I get to leave him with people that love him...but it's still so hard.
I am also so grateful for my husband...for being such an incredible dad...for being ok with a messy house and fast food for dinner because I'm too tired to cook...for hugging me even when I'm covered in spit up...for going to the store for that one thing I forgot even though I checked my list 5 times...I could go on and on. But I really am so blessed. Tired and blessed :) Thanks Lord!!
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