Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It's been a while since I've written. I just feel like I have nothing to say. The last week, week and a half or so, I've been kind of in a daze. I haven't really felt like myself. I wake up, go to work, come home, complete what I should complete for that day. But it's like I don't feel anything. Not happy, not sad, not excited...I just exist. Life is moving all around me and here I am going through the emotions. At least a few weeks ago I felt.

I mean, normally I'm a pretty generally happy person. And I can be an emotional person. Seriously....a week and a half ago I was sobbing on the kitchen floor. :\ Now, nothing. Is that normal? To feel numb to everything going on around you? I just hope this is a stage. I'll deal with it, pray A LOT, and hopefully come out on the other side soon....can someone please tell me this is normal? That I'm not going crazy?????


  1. I know you don't know me (I am Nate's aunt) and hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog but just want to encourage you that what you are feeling is normal. You will come through this and feel again. I think of all of you often and pray for you. Blessings.

  2. Mel, grief comes in stages. I've been feeling the same way. Some days I'm feeling really good, other days (sometimes days on end) I can't seem to stop crying, and other days I feel like I'm in a daze. You're doing it right, Mel. You're letting whatever comes, come. Although that's the healthy way to deal with grief, that's not very normal. I think most people who have lost someone or something don't actually walk through grief. They push it down and away so it feels like nothing happened and it's not there. "The only way out is through" though. Keep grieving Mel. Love you.

  3. it is normal my dear daughter. just today at work, i looked on my bulletin board to notice my dad's pic and thought of both my beloved parents and got teary eyed; even after all this time. love you very much!
